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Showing posts with label Happy life tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy life tips. Show all posts

Monday, January 2, 2017

50 Positive one liners for the New Year 2017

A great post I got...
Worthy of reading again and again...
And saving it up for reading on a daily basis...

🌞50  Positive one liners...

1. Have a firm handshake.
2. Look people in the eye.
3. Sing in the shower.
4. Own a great stereo system.
5. If in a fight, hit first, and hit hard.
6. Keep secrets.
7. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday.
8. Always accept an outstretched hand.
9. Be brave. Even if you are not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.
10. Whistle.
11. Avoid sarcastic remarks.
12. Choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 per cent of all your happiness or misery.
13. Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out.
14. Lend only those books you never care to see again.
15. Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all that they have.
16. When playing games with children, let them win.
17. Give people a second chance, always.
18. Be romantic.
19. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
20. Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems.
21. Don't allow the phone to interrupt important moments. It's there for our convenience, not the caller's.
22. Be a good loser for your
loved ones.
23. Be a good winner of
24. Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret.
25. When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.
26. Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born.
27. Keep it simple.
28. Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.
29. Don't burn bridges. You will be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.
30. Live your life so that your epitaph could read: "No Regrets!".
31. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on life, you will regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.
32. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
33. Remember no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who helped you.
34. Take charge of your attitude. Don't let someone else choose it for you.
35. Visit friends and relatives when they are in hospital; you need only stay a few minutes.
36. Begin each day with some of your favourite music.
37. Once in a while, take the scenic route.
38. Forgive quickly. Life is short.
39. Answer the phone with enthusiasm and energy in your voice.
40. Keep a note pad and pencil on your bed-side table. Million-dollar ideas sometimes strike at 3 AM.
41. Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job.
42. Send your loved ones flowers. Think of a reason later.
43. Make someone's day by encouraging them.
44. Become someone's hero.
45. Marry only for love.
46. Count your blessings.
47. Compliment the meal when you are a guest in someone's home.
48. Wave at the children on a school bus.
49. Remember that 80 per cent of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people.
50. Don't expect life to be fair...

Season's greetings - wish you all a wonderful 2017 well ahead of time!💕

Friday, December 9, 2016

82 Key Points to lead a satisfactory and successful life

  1. Respect people. Not because you want something from them– because they’re people.
  2. Take care of your body. It’s a temple– but don’t make it your idol.
  3. Social media is NOT for airing out your dirty laundry.
  4. Learn to fact-check, especially what you see online.
  5. Learn to listen well, especially when you’re angry.
  6. Make friends with people who are different than you.
  7. Travel as much and as often as you can–especially internationally. Experience new often
  8. Never invalidate someone else’s feelings.
  9. Don’t be ashamed of your emotions.
  10. Relationships are at the core of being human. Invest in them.
  11. Read often. Read fiction and nonfiction. Read authors that you disagree with.
  12. Learn to form an argument– not for the sake of arguing, but to know why you believe what you believe.
  13. Always argue fairly.
  14. Seek to understand first. Everyone has reasons behind their beliefs.
  15. Stay away from angry arguments on social media. No one wins.
  16. You don’t necessarily have to go to college. Find a passion and decide what fits it best.
  17. Find a job that means something to you– not just a job that pays well.
  18. Be an artist in whatever profession you choose.
  19. Look ahead and set goals. Write them down.
  20. Challenge yourself. Leave your comfort zone. Do better next time.
  21. Perfection is impossible. Excellence is not.
  22. Some subjects in school won’t be relevant to your life. However, your grades and the ability to work hard at something you may not care about, will be.
  23. Family comes first.
  24. Don’t you dare objectify women.
  25. Don’t stereotype people.
  26. When you find love, say it. Show it. Hold on to it.
  27. Love for intellect, personality, and heart– not for appearance or other superficial traits.
  28. Find a life partner who compensates for your flaws and accepts you in spite of them.
  29. Don’t rush into marriage.
  30. Always tithe. God blesses those who give generously and happily.
  31. Accumulate experiences and savings, not things.
  32. Commit important things to memory. Don’t rely on Google or your phone for everything.
  33. It’s okay to be angry. Just find a healthy outlet for it.
  34. Use your voice to speak for those who don’t have one.
  35. Use your influence to help, never to control.
  36. Competition is good, but not at all costs.
  37. Whether you’re rich or poor, be classy.
  38. Learn how to talk on the phone. It’s an important skill.
  39. Learn the art of conversation. Be friendly. Ask questions.
  40. Have a good, solid handshake.
  41. Anonymous good deeds are the most rewarding.
  42. Think about how your decisions will affect others.
  43. Pray first. Pray often.
  44. Think your own thoughts. Be original. Be honest.
  45. When (not if) people hurt you, don’t let it harden your heart.
  46. Think about how younger people view you, and try to set a good example.
  47. Never settle, but don’t be so picky that you miss a great opportunity.
  48. Words are important. Actions are even more important.
  49. Pay attention to the people around you.
  50. Try new foods.
  51. Engage with art: movies, music, paintings, theatre, poetry. Think about it. Always look for the message.
  52. Make decisions with the future in mind, but don’t forget to enjoy the present too.
  53. Everything in moderation.
  54. Remember the people who help you.
  55. Give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove you wrong.
  56. Don’t hold grudges. You’re the one who suffers the most when you do.
  57. Ask for help when you need it.
  58. Find friends that you don’t have to impress.
  59. Don’t do things you’ll want to lie about later.
  60. Put your dang phone DOWN.
  61. Take pictures, but don’t live life from behind a screen.
  62. Follow the rules, but it’s okay to ask why they’re there.
  63. Be a good leader, and a good follower.
  64. Trust your gut. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
  65. Admit your mistakes.
  66. A lie of omission is still a lie.
  67. Repetition is the mother of all learning. (Brought to you by your grandfather, boys.)
  68. Maturity is the ability to do something you hate, well. (Also courtesy of your grandfather)
  69. You don’t have to agree with someone to love them.
  70. Respect your elders.
  71. Respect minorities. Listen to their stories.
  72. Spend time in nature. Let it inspire you.spend-time-in-nature-let-it-inspire-you
  73. Never stop asking questions. Never stop wondering.
  74. Go to church, even when you don’t feel like it. Especially when you don’t feel like it. No other institution can offer the hope that a good church does.
  75. Give others the spotlight.
  76. Complaining will never solve your problem.
  77. Do things you might fail at. Don’t let the fear of failure stop you.
  78. Learn from failure and try again.
  79. Learn when to keep your mouth shut, even if you’re right.
  80. Saying “I told you so” never helped anyone. Ever.
  81. Don’t sulk when you lose. Don’t gloat when you win.
  82. Have a family, however that looks to you. It’s scary and sometimes messy. But it’s also the greatest blessing anyone can have and the greatest investment anyone can make.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

8 Weird But Effective Strategies for Saving your Time

Got a minute? No, you say?

You need not be a superhero to effectively manage your time at the office. You just need some simple solutions that will allow you to maximize your efficiency. Here are eight weird but effective strategies for managing your time even when you work in a busy office with lots of people who are magnetized to you like moths to light.

1. Stand up.
If someone comes into my office while I’m feverishly trying to get work done, I stand up. I will absolutely engage in conversation, but it’s going to be a short one. When you go from sitting to standing, it sends a message that you are on a schedule. It is my experience that when the other party receives the message, they keep their questions, comments or idea sharing short.

2. Don’t have chairs.
I will admit, I don’t practice this, but I have a business associate who does and he swears by it. He has no guest chairs in his office. He says that the problem with chairs is that people come and sit in them and they chat. No chairs, no chat.

3. Share lunch.
Sometimes your co-workers, employees and staff just want to get to know you. That’s why if I am in the office working during lunch, I’ll have lunch with them so that get the opportunity to chat about fun stuff without losing valuable work time.

4. Set parameters.
If I am busy working in the office and someone asks me if I’ve got a minute, I’ll tell them yes and I’ll tell them how many minutes I’ve got.

“Sure, I’ve got about five minutes but then I need to get back to this project.”

At about the five-minute mark, I will start looking at the clock to signal that their time is nearly over. If I can’t answer the question or offer the needed assistance in that time, I’ll ask if we can schedule a longer meeting later in the day.

5. Know when to take calls.
This seems like a no-brainer. I never take an unsolicited call from a number that I don’t recognize, ever. People can leave messages and I will choose to call back if I am interested. If I am unsure as to whether I’m interested in taking the call, I will likely have an assistant call the person back to get more information with regards to the nature of the call.

It’s important to note here that an unwanted call can also come in handy at times. If you have someone taking up too much time and you are lucky enough to get an unexpected call during that time, take the call while saying to your guest, “I’ll reach out to you later, I need to take this call.”

6. Control dings, beeps and bops.
When I am working in the office, I set a limit on checking my email to every half hour. Important too, I make sure the volume is off on my computer and my phone. The dings, beeps and bops from email and social media are maddening. If my Facebook or Twitter beeps, I have to check it — I must keep the sound off so I can get work done in between emails.

7. Keep a power hour.
There are times when I simply cannot be disturbed. In those instances, I’ll do what every good hotel allows you to do when you want quiet time and hang a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door. I have found it even more effective to make sure that I explain why on the sign, otherwise you will still get people who cross the line.

For example, my sign might read, “Do Not Disturb — Webinar in Process.” The sign coupled with the reason for it has been most effective.

8. Scrap the glass door.
There was a time long, long ago, when I had a glass door to my office. Big mistake! A glass door is like working in a fish tank and even when the door is shut, people wave you down and make bizarre hand gestures while trying to determine if you can talk. Get rid of the glass door in favor of one that offers full privacy for those times when you need to be super efficient.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

A Beautiful Post !!!

Very touching message 👏

A beautiful post ........

There were days when My home used to be filled with laughter, arguments, fights, jokes and loads of mischief.
Books used to be strewn all over the show. Pens and books all over, and clothes messing the rooms, thrown on the beds.
I used to shout at them to tidy up their mess.
In the morning:
One will wake up and say:
Mama I can't find a certain book.
And the other will say: I can't find my perfume,
And one will say: Mama where's my homework.
And  will say: Mama I forgot to complete my homework.
Everyone used to ask about their lost possessions.
And I will say, but take care of your stuff, be responsible, you have to grow up.
And today I stand at the doorway of the room.
The beds are empty.
All the cupboards have only a few pieces of clothes in them.
And what remains is the smell of perfume that lingers in the air.
Everyone had a special smell.
So I take in the smell of their perfume for maybe it will fill the empty ache in my heart.
All I have now is the memory of their laughs and their mischief and their warm hugs.
Today my house is clean and organized and everything is in its place, and it is calm and peaceful.
But it is like a desert with no life in it. Do not become angry with your kids about the mess.
Every time they come to visit and they spend time with us, when they are ready to leave. They pull their bags and it is as if they tug my heart along with it.
They close the door behind them and then I stand still and think of the many times I shouted them to close the doors.
Here I am today, closing my own doors. Nobody opens it besides me. Each one gone to a different city or a different country.
All left to find their own path in life.
They have grown up and I wished that they could stay with me forever.
Dear God
..... Take care of them & all other children wherever they may be , for you are their guide and their protector
  ...and always keep them happy.

Dedicated to all parents...

Friday, October 28, 2016



Only God has no weakness. Every rose flower has its own thorn. If you focus too much on your spouse's weakness, you can't get the best out of his/her strength.
No one is an Angel, therefore, avoid digging one's past. What matters is the present life of your partner. Old things are passed away. try to forgive and forget. The past can't be changed. So Focus on the present and the future!
Marriage is not a bed of roses. Every shinning marriage has gone through its own test of hot and excruciating fire. True love is proven in time of challenge. Fight for your marriage! Make up your mind to stay with your spouse in time of needs. Remember this is the vow you made on your wedding day!
Don't compare your marriage with anyone! We can never be equal, some will be far in front and others far behind. To avoid marriage stresses, be patient, work hard and with time, your marriage dreams shall come true.
When you marry, you must declare a war against enemies of marriage. Some of the enemies of marriage are: Ignorance, Prayerlessness, Unforgiveness, Adultery, Third Party Influence, Stinginess, Stubbornness, Lack Of Love, Rudeness, Wife battery, Laziness, Divorce etc. Be ready to fight to maintain your marriage zone.
There is no ready made marriage anywhere. Marriage is hard work, volunteer yourself and perfect it daily. Marriage is like a CAR with Gear oil, gear box, back hassles and If this parts are not properly maintained, the car will break down somewhere along the road and exposing the occupant to unhealthy circumstances. - Many of us are careless about our marriage... Are you? If you are, pls pay attention to your marriage.
He (God) gives you, him or her in the form of raw materials in order for you to mould what you desire. You may desire a woman who can pray for 1 hour but your wife can only pray for 30 minutes. With your love, prayer and encouragement, she can improve and vice versa.
You cannot predict what will happen after marriage, as situation may change, so, leave a room for adjustment. Pregnancy may not come in the next 4 years. You may get marry to her because she's slim but she becomes 100% fatter after a child. He may lose his beautiful job for years that you have to take the financial responsibility of the family until he gets a new job. But with God by your side, you will smile at last.
Marriage needs total commitment, love is the glue that makes a couple stick together. Divorce starts in the mind. Never think of divorce! Never threaten your spouse with divorce. Choose to remain married! God hates divorce
Marriage is like a bank account. It is the money you deposit into your bank account that you can withdraw. If you don't deposit love, peace and care into your marriage, you are not a candidate of a blissful home. There is no free love in marriage, You cannot love without giving and sacrificing.
May the Lord Give us the Grace And Wisdom To Build A Heaven on Earth Marriage Amen.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

52 Ways to Tell Someone You Love and Appreciate Them

1. You are special to me.
2. I feel amazing when I spend time with you.
3. You give me goosebumps.
4. I feel safe sharing my secrets with you.
5. I accept you as you are.
6. I understand how you feel.
7. Is there anything I can do to help?
8. I always have fun when I am with you.
9. Please tell me how it is for you so I can understand.
10. Can I hold your hand?
11. Can I give you a hug?
12. You inspire me.
13. I really appreciate it when you…
14. You are one of the most amazing gifts I have ever received.
15. I value everything you’ve taught me.
16. The insights you have shared mean the world to me.
17. Your thoughtfulness is a delight to receive.
18. I will never forget how you…
19. I feel so relaxed and happy when you…
20. Seeing you when … happened made it all okay.
21. I can feel it when your heart sings because it makes my heart sing too.
22. I could sit next to you and not say anything and be at peace.
23. The way you handled … showed me that you are truly…
24. Your comments about … helped me enormously.
25. I’m thankful to have you in my life.
26. I could go anywhere with you.
27. I believe your intentions for me are always good, even when I cannot understand what you do.
28. I trust you.
29. I can go outside of my comfort zone with you.
30. Knowing you gives me courage.
31. The world is less scary when I am with you.
32. I appreciate that your suggestions help me make difficult choices.
33. I lose all concept of time when I am with you.
34. If something serious happened to me, you’re the first person I would call.
35. You are so generous in spirit.
36. Surprise me more often because I like your surprises.
37. I love how you … whenever I need to …
38. I hear your voice even when we are not in the same place.
39. I feel connected to you even when I cannot see you.
40. Your wisdom has saved me.
41. I feel refreshed and renewed around you.
42. I enjoy your sense of humor.
43. Whenever I see a photo of us together, I smile.
44. I appreciate that you think about my feelings before you do and say things.
45. Your smile makes me smile.
46. I love that you know me so well.
47. When I think about you, I often remember when you…
48. I want to keep you in my past, present, and future.
49. I can be me when I am with you—I hope you feel the same way.
50. Circumstance brought us together; choice keeps us together.

Sue Ellson

Saturday, October 1, 2016

9 steps can help you detect a lie...

Do you know how to tell if someone is lying to you? These 9 steps can help you detect a the video for a more detailed explanation of each step.


 Step 1: Watch their hands

Step 2: Follow their eyes

Step 3: Note their words

Step 4: Check their smile

Step 5: Note their posture

Step 6: Pause before responding

Step 7: Note the details

Step 8: Change the subject

Step 9: Teach your liar a lesson

Have you ever caught someone in a lie? How did you know they were lying? How did you react?

Thursday, September 29, 2016

World Heart Day 2016

World Heart Day 2016

Thursday, September 15, 2016

5 meaningful ways to express to show your beloved your true feelings

5 meaningful ways to express to show your beloved your true feelings

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

45 Ultimate Tips For Men

  1. Buy high quality tools, so you only have to buy them once.
  2. Keep a change of clothes at work.
  3. Never hit anyone unless they are an immediate threat.
  4. Every hat should serve a purpose.
  5. Never take her to the movies on the first date.
  6. Learn to wet shave.
  7. Nothing looks more bad ass than a well-tailored suit.
  8. Shave with the grain on the first go-around.
  9. Always look a person in the eye when you talk to them.
  10. Buy a plunger before you need a plunger.
  11. Exercise makes you happy. Run, lift, and play sports.
  12. Brush your teeth before you put on your tie.
  13. A small amount of your paycheck should go directly to your savings account every month.
  14. Call Mom and Dad every week.
  15. Never wear a clip-on tie.
  16. Give a firm handshake.
  17. Compliment her shoes.
  18. Never leave a beer unfinished.
  19. If you aren’t confident, fake it. It will come around.
  20. You can tell the size of a man by the size of things that bother him.
  21. Be conscious of your body language.
  22. The only reason to ever point a gun at someone is if you intend to shoot them. Period.
  23. Always stand to shake someone’s hand.
  24. Never lend anything you can’t afford to lose.
  25. Ask more than you answer. Everybody likes to talk about themselves.
  26. Never have sex with anyone that doesn’t want it as much as you.
  27. Go for women out of your league. You may end up surprised.
  28. Manliness is not only being able to take care of yourself, but others as well.
  29. Go with the decision that will make for a good story.
  30. When you walk, look straight ahead, not at your feet.
  31. Nice guys don’t finish last, boring guys do.
  32. Find your passion and figure out how to get paid for it.
  33. Don’t let the little head do the thinking for the big head.
  34. No matter their job or status, everyone deserves your respect.
  35. The most important thing you can learn is personal responsibility. Bad things happen, it’s your job to overcome them.
  36. The first one to get angry loses.
  37. A man does what needs to be done without complaining.
  38. Never stop learning.
  39. Always go out into public dressed like you’re about to meet the love of your life.
  40. Don’t change yourself just to make someone happy.
  41. If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.
  42. Luck favors the prepared.
  43. Women find confidence sexy as hell.
  44. Do whatever you want to do, but be the best at it.
  45. No one is on their deathbed wishing they spent more time at work.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Marriage Life - Happy Days and Savings

Priya married Hitesh this day. At the end of the wedding party,
Priya’s mother gave her a newly opened bank saving passbook.
With Rs.1000 deposit amount.
Mother: Priya, take this passbook. Keep it as a record of your marriage life.
When there’s something happy and memorable happened in your new life, put some money in.
Write down what it’s about next to the line.
The more memorable the event is, the more money you can put in.
I’ve done the first one for you today.
Do the others with Hitesh.
When you look back after years, you can know how much happiness you’ve had.
Priya shared this with Hitesh when getting home.
They both thought it was a great idea and were anxious to know when the second deposit can be made.
This was what they did after certain time:
- 7 Feb: Rs.100, first birthday celebration for Hitesh after marriage
- 1 Mar: Rs.300, salary raise for Priya
- 20 Mar: Rs.200, vacation trip to Bali
- 15 Apr: Rs.2000, Priya got pregnant
- 1 Jun: Rs.1000, Hitesh got promoted
…. and so on…
However, after years, they started fighting and arguing for trivial things.
They didn’t talk much.
They regretted that they had married the most nasty people in the world…. no more love…
Kind of typical nowadays, huh?
One day Priya talked to her Mother:
‘Mom, we can’t stand it anymore. We agree to divorce.
I can’t imagine how I decided to marry this guy!!!’
Mother: ‘Sure, girl, that’s no big deal.
Just do whatever you want if you really can’t stand it.
But before that, do one thing first.
Remember the saving passbook I gave you on your wedding day?
Take out all money and spend it first.
You shouldn’t keep any record of such a poor marriage.’
Priya thought it was true.
So she went to the bank, waiting at the queue and planning to cancel the account.
While she was waiting, she took a look at the passbook record.
She looked, and looked, and looked.
Then the memory of all the previous joy and happiness just came up her mind.
Her eyes were then filled with tears.
She left and went home.
When she was home, she handed the passbook to Hitesh, asked him to spend the money before getting divorce.
The next day, Hitesh gave the passbook back to Priya.
She found a new deposit of Rs.5000. And a line next to the record:
‘This is the day I notice how much I’ve loved you thru out all these years.
How much happiness you’ve brought me.’
They hugged and cried, putting the passbook back to the safe.
Do you know how much money they had saved when they retired?
I did not ask.
I believe the money did not matter anymore after they had gone thru all the good years in their life.

P.S.: Life is about the moments you create, that u can keep it with you FOREVER. After everything is over, THAT is what we have or what we are left with.

Needs and Greed !

"Whether you have a Maruti or a BMW, the road remains the same. Whether you travel economy class or business, your destination doesn't change. Whether you have a Titan or a Rolex, the time is the same. There is nothing wrong in dreaming a luxurious life. What needs to be taken care of is not let need become greed. Because needs can always be met, but greed can never be fulfilled."
The question, does greed bring you success?

Monday, July 11, 2016

Most Useful Life Hacks

  • If your cab driver asks if you're from around here, say yes. They hike up the price, and take routes that are out of the way, for out-of-towners.
  • Throw your shirt in the dryer for 15 minutes with a few ice cubes to get rid of wrinkles.
  • Chew the same flavor of gum while you are studying, and while you're being tested to aid your memory.
  • Use a Ketchup bottle as a batter dispenser next time you make pancakes. Not only can you control the size better, it's also an easy cleanup.
  • If you bought something on Amazon, and the price is reduced within 30 days, email them and they will credit you the difference!
  • Rubbing a lime on your forehead will cure your headache (...or it will help, at least.)
  • Before your next trip to the zoo, look up the color of the zoo keepers uniforms. The animals are more familiar with these people and will be much friendlier to you.
  • Embarrassed about buying something? Buy a birthday card with it.
  • A trip to Walmart is an instant self esteem boost.
  • Plug what ingredients you have in your house into and they will give you a list a recipes you can make with them.
  • If a gas pump handle is broken, place your gas cap in the handle for hands free pumping.
  • A handicapped parking spot needs a sign to be valid. If it just has a wheelchair painted on the ground.
  • Use a garbage bag in place of a garment bag to move clothing on the hanger.
  • Running low on battery? Put your phone on Airplane mode and it will charge up faster.
  • Wrap a rubber band around a paint can to get the excess paint off the brush.
  • Fold your receipt around the gift card to always know the balance.
  • You can separate egg yolks from egg whites with a water bottle.
  • To download a YouTube video, just add 'ss' to the URL between www. and YouTube.
  • Use a spring from an old pen to keep your charger from bending and fraying.
  • Having a hard time opening that jar lid? Use duct tape and pull to the left.
  • If a disk is skipping, rub a peeled banana over it to seal the scratches.
  • Include an embarrassing detail in a lie you're trying to tell. No one would doubt something that makes you look silly.
  • If you are ever trapped in your car underwater, use the headrest to break the wind shield.
  • Slowly tilt your head from side to side to rid yourself of car sickness.
  • The length of a yellow light is 10% of the speed limit, AKA, if the limit is 40 MPH, you have 4 seconds once the green light turns yellow.
  • Use chapstick on paper cuts (after you clean it).
  • When ordering ice coffee, order your ice in a separate cup. You'll get more coffee for your dollar.
  • If you say the wrong thing on a voicemail, press the # button to erase it and re-record your message.
  • Save the envelopes from your parking tickets. Next time you're in a non-parking zone slip the envelope under your wiper. This one isn't 100% fool proof, but it might discourage them from checking your plate!
  • Flip a coin next time you have to make a hard decision. It won't tell you what to choose, but it will tell you if you're disappointed in the outcome, revealing what you really want.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Body Language !!

Body Language - How People stand could say a lot about what they're thinking and feeling 

Sunday, June 12, 2016

23 Meaningful Relationship Goals..

23 Meaningful Relationship Goals That Have Zero To Do With Getting Engaged Or Married

1. Figuring out how to say “I love you” without any words at all.
2. Learning how to speak with your eyes so fluently that words are rendered entirely unnecessary during significant moments.
3. Realizing just how much you prefer sleeping together over sleeping alone, even if one of you is a total cover hog or a spastic mid-sleep kicker.
4. Getting a whiff of the “morning” version of your significant other and appreciating their stinky ripe smell because it’s just so wonderfully familiar.
5. Being able to go to the bathroom with the door wide open without feeling at all embarrassed.
6. Reaching the point where you know in your heart that you’re not going to break up, even during the nastiest fights.
7. Recognizing that your passion for each other sometimes translates into fuming anger, and that that’s okay.
8. Feeling nothing but love when your partner accidentally says or does something remarkably stupid.
9. Feeling incredibly defensive when an outsider says or does something borderline offensive towards your significant other.
10. Wanting to beat the shit out of anyone who dares to be a jerkface to the person you love, even if the guilty party is a close friend or family member.
11. Being open and honest enough about sex stuff that you can freely discuss your solo sex routines and all other intimate acts and desires.
12. Truly appreciating each other’s shortcomings, whatever they may be, just as much as you value each other’s most appealing qualities.
13. Realizing that you really do like staying in together just as much (or more, even) than going out at night.
14. Regularly conspiring to “Houdini” from parties, recognizing that you’d rather play Scrabble and get drunk together in the comfort of your home than interact with others.
15. Catching yourself saying something supremely cheesy (like, out-of-character corny) to your partner, and actually meaning it.
16. Establishing a bond so strong and trust so deep that it’s tough to make each other jealous. For instance, neither of you feels all that threatened when the other hangs out with a hot member of the opposite sex.
17. Reaching the carefree stage when it doesn’t matter how attractive you feel or don’t feel on any given day because your boyfriend or girlfriend chooses you daily and makes you feel special no matter what you look like.
18. Smiling upon noting that your boyfriend or girlfriend is your number one most contacted person via email, and consistently dominates your call history. Who else do you really need to communicate with anyway?
19. Realizing that you have so many sexy photos and videos of each other saved on your computers that breaking up isn’t even an option anymore because you’re both armed with so much potential blackmail material.
20. Saying the exact same thing simultaneously because you’re spending that much time together and your personalities have pretty much fused into one.
21. Ditching your friends and family without feeling at all guilty or experiencing a hint of FOMO because there’s nothing you’d rather do than be with your person.
22. Discovering that you’re capable of disagreeing on important “issues” without wanting to rip each other’s heads off, literally or figuratively.
23. Recognizing that the peaceful calm you experience in each other’s company is insanely pleasant and definitely irreplaceable.

Friday, May 13, 2016

9 Ways to be productive

9 Ways to be productive.
How many of us are following this?

Monday, April 18, 2016

The 7 Habits of Socially Connected People

Some people may be naturally gregarious and easily find themselves socially connected. For most of us, feeling truly integrated into a social scene takes some effort. Luckily, there are predictable patterns to social success. Do certain things, and people will be drawn to you.
Below are seven skills that all socially successful people possess:
  1. They focus on quality over quantity.
    People who feel socially connected may have a thousand Facebook friends and even more Twitter and Instagram followers, but they know deep down that this is not the heart of their social circle. In other words, they know that most social media friends are acquaintances at best.
    While having many acquaintances is certainly not a bad thing, those who succeed socially understand that acquaintances need to eventually turn into actual friends if they want to feel truly tied to that friend group. They don’t settle for quantity, they always go for quality.
  2. They prioritize face-to-face interactions.
    Most socially connected people recognize that maintaining relationships requires a bit of effort, and one of the efforts they prioritize is seeing other people in person. While in-person interactions can feel much less efficient than online or phone interactions, there’s a value to in-person communication that socially successful people understand. It’s how you start seeing people as just that — people!
  3. They share.
    To feel socially connected to others, it’s vital to feel seen by the people around you. But to feel seen, you have to let others get to know you. Socially connected people understand this and are willing to share at least bits and pieces of personal information with others. This doesn’t mean oversharing to complete strangers. It simply means making yourself a little vulnerable to those you want to feel close to.
  4. They listen.
    While introverts often have a hard time feeling as socially connected as extroverts, it’s definitely not a given that the most extroverted person in the room is also the most socially connected. He may garner a lot of attention, but if an extrovert can’t learn a bit about those around him by quietly listening to them, those around him will hardly feel close to him. Listening to others makes people want to be around you, and wanting to be around each other is the essence of feeling connected.
  5. They ask questions.
    Socially connected people get that, fundamentally, all social interaction is about demonstrating interest in one another. If you don’t act like you’re interested in those around you, you’ll come across as aloof, cold, possibly even rude.
    The easiest way to demonstrate interest in others is to ask them questions. The most socially successful people ask factual questions (“What do you do for work?”) but they also ask questions that are more subjective (“How do you like what you do for work?”). These two types of questions used in conjunction accelerates feelings of connectedness.
  6. They see past differences.
    As you learn more about those around you through listening and asking questions, it’s inevitable that you’ll notice some differences between you and them. Be it politics, religion, or lifestyle choices, differences will arise.
    Socially connected people realize that nobody will be and act and look exactly like them, so they make an effort to not let differences stand in the way of closeness. They understand that fundamentally we’re all human, and we can all naturally relate to one another.
  7. They don’t worry about rejection.
    It’s perfectly natural to fear rejection when entering a new social group or meeting a new person you really like. The leap that socially connected people make is that while they likely feel this fear, they don’t worry about it.
    In other words, they don’t dwell in the fear and allow it to turn into an unproductive rumination on everything that could go wrong. Instead, they identify the people they want to be close to and march bravely into that relationship despite any fears that may arise.
These seven habits of socially connected people are straightforward and easy to get started on right away. Pick the one you think would have the biggest impact on your social life and give it a try!

Kira Asatryan
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