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Showing posts with label life hacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life hacks. Show all posts
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
20 Things No Gentleman should ever do !
20 Things No Gentleman should ever do !
“A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out” – Theodore Roosevelt
1. Wear something ‘ironically’
Geek glasses, Hawaiian shirts, 80’s retro sportswear, you name it – a gentleman wouldn’t be seen dead in something purely for the sake of ‘irony’, leave this look to the likes of pop-up-store-come-vintage-clothing-come-speakeasy-bar-owners.
2. Get any part of you body pierced
Do what you like in your teenage, ungentlemanly years, but beyond these rebellious times and into the years of being a gentleman, remove all trace of past rebellions and never, we repeat never, pierce a body part.
3. Take up a seat while a less stable person suffers
This is more common manners than anything else, but a gentleman would never sit (on a tube or otherwise) whilst a woman, less-able or elderly person stands.
4. Break your word
A boy speaks, a gentleman acts on his word and stays true to it.
5. Lie
A real gentleman stays loyal, faithful and honest at all times.
6. Spend far too much time in front of the mirror
Vanity is deeply ungentlemanly.
7. Easily forget his roots
No matter how much a gentleman earns, or how much success he has garnered, a real gentleman will stay humble to his past.
8. Kiss and tell
Because a gentleman never tells.
9. Have one too many at a wedding, especially your own
Someone once told me that there is nothing tackier than a drunk bride, but in retrospect this applies as much to gentlemen as it does to brides to be. A gentleman knows his limits.
10. Be too proud to apologise
A true gentleman will apologise after a fight, even if he wasn’t in the wrong.
11. Urinate in public
Unless you’re an 18 year-old having his first beer, there is simply no excuse.
12. Drive recklessly with a woman or child in the car
You are not clever or rebellious. You are dangerous, and not in the cool, ‘rebel without a cause’ way.
13. Get a visible tattoo when you’re far too old to do so
Similar to number 2, it’s best to avoid this one too. If you did get drunk on a beach in Thailand and get your name in Arabic branded across your back, then consider keeping it covered up.
14. Sit cross legged
Unless you’re doing yoga, which is OK by the way, try and avoiding sitting like a child. There is just something strange about seeing a grown man sitting like a schoolboy.
15. Referring to yourself in the third person
Annoying doesn’t even begin to describe how unbecoming this is.
16. Drunk dial
Not classy, just embarrassing. A gentleman does not need to be inebriated to communicate.
17. Cancel at the last minute
A real gentleman makes plans and sticks to them, no matter what.
18. Swear in public
A gentleman would never let his mood dictate his manners.
19. Believe in luck, or chance
A gentleman knows the power of cause and effect.
20. Patronise
Your age does not define your maturity.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
15 Compliments You Can Give Someone You Love
1. You inspire me to be a better person.
2. You’re the kind of person who could make even Kanye smile.
3. You give me the kind of advice I always need to hear (even if I don’t want to hear it). Thank you for that.
4. You’re the only person I want to come back to when it feels like the rest of the world has become too much.
5. You’ve shown me how to be kinder person.
6. You’re my favorite person to talk to. I never get tired of hearing your voice, your stories. I always want more.
7. The way you live your life challenges me and has helped me grow.
8. You’re really good at all the things you do. And even the things you think you don’t do so well, I like how you do it anyway, without caring what anyone thinks.
9. If you died or something happened to you, I would delete your browser history for you.
10. You’re really fun to be around. Even when we aren’t doing anything at all just being around you makes me feel content.
11. I think you’d make a really great parent someday.
12. Your existence has made my life infinitely better since knowing you.
13. I love how precious and child-like you can be sometimes. You make me feel young again.
14. You’ve shown me what unconditional love feels like. Thank you for letting me experience what it feels like to find safety in another person.
15. You’re accomplishing so much. Every day you are growing and evolving into a better, stronger version of who you were yesterday. You have already done so much in the time that I’ve known you. Your passion for life has encouraged me to dream bigger, love harder, and find beauty everywhere.
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Facebook Facebook - Beware
Police Questioning a Robber:_
Police: How did you come to know that there was no one in the house?
Robber:The update of the entire family with 15 photos was available on facebook.
"Enjoying Holidays away from home for one week".
Think about this seriously.
Be careful what you put on facebook.
Discuss this with your children and realtives.
Stop sharing personal information on the social media!!!
📛 Don't advertise your happiness on social media.
📛 Don't advertise your happy marriage On social media.
📛 Don't advertise your holidays on social media.
📛 Don't advertise your kids achievements on social media.
📛 Don't advertise your pregnancy on social media.
📛 Don't advertise your expensive buys on social media. (Car, house etc).
‼ No one is going to be happy for you.
‼ All the "nice" comments you get are just fake.
‼ You just attracting the evil eye on you and your family.
‼ You are just attracting jealous people into your life.
‼ You don't know who's saving your pictures, & checking your updates.
‼ You really need to stop this, as it is going to ruin your life, family, marriage.
‼ Social media is the devil's eyes, ears & mouth.
Don't fall into the devil's trap.
Don't fall into the devil's trap.
May God help us, and save us from social media disaster !!!
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Life's Instructions for happy and successful life
- Have a firm handshake.
- Look people in the eye.
- Sing in the shower.
- Own a great stereo system.
- If in a fight, hit first and hit hard.
- Keep secrets.
- Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday.
- Always accept an outstretched hand.
- Be brave. Even if you're not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.
- Whistle.
- Avoid sarcastic remarks.
- Choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 per cent of all your happiness or misery.
- Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out.
- Lend only those books you never care to see again.
- Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all that they have.
- When playing games with ! children, let them win.
- Give people a second chance, but not a third.
- Be romantic.
- Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
- Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems.
- Don't allow the phone to interrupt important moments. It's there for our convenience, not the caller's.
- Be a good loser.
- Be a good winner.
- Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret.
- When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.
- Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born.
- Keep it simple.
- Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.
- Don't burn bridges. You'll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.
- Live your life so that your epitaph could read, No Regrets
- Be bold and courageous. When you look back on life, you'll regret the
- things you didn't do more than the one's you did.
- Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
- Remember no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who helped you.
- Take charge of your attitude. Don't let someone else choose it for you.
- Visit friends and relatives when they are in hospital; you need only stay a few minutes.
- Begin each day with some of your favorite music.
- Once in a while, take the scenic route.
- Send a lot of Valentine cards. Sign them, 'Someone who thinks you're terrific.'
- Answer the phone with enthusiasm and energy in your voice.
- Keep a note pad and pencil on your bed-side table. Million-dollar ideas sometimes strike at 3 a.m.
- Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job.
- Send your loved ones flowers. Think of a reason later.
- Make someone's day by paying the toll for the person in the car behind you.
- Become someone's hero.
- Marry only for love.
- Count your blessings.
- Compliment the meal when you're a guest in someone's home.
- Wave at the children on a school bus.
- Remember that 80 per cent of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people.
- Don't expect life to be fair.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Top 39 ! - 39 Useful ways to close your emails
Tired of closing your emails with “Thanks” or “Sincerely”? Want to keep your email sign-offs informal, yet polite? Or maybe you want to inject a little personality into your emails.
I once received an email from an outside contractor that ended with, “I stand ever ready to assist you.” Nice sentiment, but odd given our working relationship.
The email sign-off—more formally called a valediction—can be tricky. It should be consistent the overall tone of your email and reflect your relationship with the recipient. Choose your closing words carefully.
Here are 39 phrases to try:
1. All the bestPR Daily readers, what are some of your favorite email sign-offs?
2. Anonymously
3. Be well, do good deeds, and keep in touch
4. Best wishes
5. Cheers
6. Confusion to your enemies
7. Copyright 2017
8. Cordially
9. Enjoy your weekend
10. Fare thee well
11. Goodbye and good luck
12. Good job
13. Good luck
14. Have a good one
15. Have a great day
16. Hope this helps
17. In anticipation of your valued response
18. In my humble but accurate opinion
19. I thank you for your time
20. Keep up the good work
21. Later, Vader
22. Live long and prosper
23. Looking forward to your reply
24. Regards
25. Stay tuned
26. Tag. You’re it
27. Take care
28. Thanks for your help
29. Thank you for your quick response
30. The end
31. This message will self-destruct
32. Until next time
33. Very truly yours
34. Vive la revolution!
35. Wishing you continued success
36. With appreciation
37. With many thanks
38. You don’t need to see my credentials
39. Your friend
Laura Hale Brockway is an Austin-based writer and editor and a regular contributor to PR Daily. Read more of her work at
Saturday, October 1, 2016
9 steps can help you detect a lie...
Do you know how to tell if someone is lying to you? These 9 steps can help you detect a the video for a more detailed explanation of each step.
Step 1: Watch their hands
Step 2: Follow their eyes
Step 3: Note their words
Step 4: Check their smile
Step 5: Note their posture
Step 6: Pause before responding
Step 7: Note the details
Step 8: Change the subject
Step 9: Teach your liar a lesson
Have you ever caught someone in a lie? How did you know they were lying? How did you react?
Step 1: Watch their hands
Step 2: Follow their eyes
Step 3: Note their words
Step 4: Check their smile
Step 5: Note their posture
Step 6: Pause before responding
Step 7: Note the details
Step 8: Change the subject
Step 9: Teach your liar a lesson
Have you ever caught someone in a lie? How did you know they were lying? How did you react?
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Friday, August 26, 2016
Needs and Greed !
"Whether you have a Maruti or a BMW, the road remains the same. Whether you travel economy class or business, your destination doesn't change. Whether you have a Titan or a Rolex, the time is the same. There is nothing wrong in dreaming a luxurious life. What needs to be taken care of is not let need become greed. Because needs can always be met, but greed can never be fulfilled."
The question, does greed bring you success?
Monday, July 11, 2016
Most Useful Life Hacks
- If your cab driver asks if you're from around here, say yes. They hike up the price, and take routes that are out of the way, for out-of-towners.
- Throw your shirt in the dryer for 15 minutes with a few ice cubes to get rid of wrinkles.
- Chew the same flavor of gum while you are studying, and while you're being tested to aid your memory.
- Use a Ketchup bottle as a batter dispenser next time you make pancakes. Not only can you control the size better, it's also an easy cleanup.
- If you bought something on Amazon, and the price is reduced within 30 days, email them and they will credit you the difference!
- Rubbing a lime on your forehead will cure your headache (...or it will help, at least.)
- Before your next trip to the zoo, look up the color of the zoo keepers uniforms. The animals are more familiar with these people and will be much friendlier to you.
- Embarrassed about buying something? Buy a birthday card with it.
- A trip to Walmart is an instant self esteem boost.
- Plug what ingredients you have in your house into and they will give you a list a recipes you can make with them.
- If a gas pump handle is broken, place your gas cap in the handle for hands free pumping.
- A handicapped parking spot needs a sign to be valid. If it just has a wheelchair painted on the ground.
- Use a garbage bag in place of a garment bag to move clothing on the hanger.
- Running low on battery? Put your phone on Airplane mode and it will charge up faster.
- Wrap a rubber band around a paint can to get the excess paint off the brush.
- Fold your receipt around the gift card to always know the balance.
- You can separate egg yolks from egg whites with a water bottle.
- To download a YouTube video, just add 'ss' to the URL between www. and YouTube.
- Use a spring from an old pen to keep your charger from bending and fraying.
- Having a hard time opening that jar lid? Use duct tape and pull to the left.
- If a disk is skipping, rub a peeled banana over it to seal the scratches.
- Include an embarrassing detail in a lie you're trying to tell. No one would doubt something that makes you look silly.
- If you are ever trapped in your car underwater, use the headrest to break the wind shield.
- Slowly tilt your head from side to side to rid yourself of car sickness.
- The length of a yellow light is 10% of the speed limit, AKA, if the limit is 40 MPH, you have 4 seconds once the green light turns yellow.
- Use chapstick on paper cuts (after you clean it).
- When ordering ice coffee, order your ice in a separate cup. You'll get more coffee for your dollar.
- If you say the wrong thing on a voicemail, press the # button to erase it and re-record your message.
- Save the envelopes from your parking tickets. Next time you're in a non-parking zone slip the envelope under your wiper. This one isn't 100% fool proof, but it might discourage them from checking your plate!
- Flip a coin next time you have to make a hard decision. It won't tell you what to choose, but it will tell you if you're disappointed in the outcome, revealing what you really want.
Friday, May 13, 2016
Monday, April 18, 2016
The 7 Habits of Socially Connected People
Some people may be naturally gregarious and easily find themselves socially connected. For most of us, feeling truly integrated into a social scene takes some effort. Luckily, there are predictable patterns to social success. Do certain things, and people will be drawn to you.
Below are seven skills that all socially successful people possess:
- They focus on quality over quantity.
People who feel socially connected may have a thousand Facebook friends and even more Twitter and Instagram followers, but they know deep down that this is not the heart of their social circle. In other words, they know that most social media friends are acquaintances at best.While having many acquaintances is certainly not a bad thing, those who succeed socially understand that acquaintances need to eventually turn into actual friends if they want to feel truly tied to that friend group. They don’t settle for quantity, they always go for quality. - They prioritize face-to-face interactions.
Most socially connected people recognize that maintaining relationships requires a bit of effort, and one of the efforts they prioritize is seeing other people in person. While in-person interactions can feel much less efficient than online or phone interactions, there’s a value to in-person communication that socially successful people understand. It’s how you start seeing people as just that — people! - They share.
To feel socially connected to others, it’s vital to feel seen by the people around you. But to feel seen, you have to let others get to know you. Socially connected people understand this and are willing to share at least bits and pieces of personal information with others. This doesn’t mean oversharing to complete strangers. It simply means making yourself a little vulnerable to those you want to feel close to. - They listen.
While introverts often have a hard time feeling as socially connected as extroverts, it’s definitely not a given that the most extroverted person in the room is also the most socially connected. He may garner a lot of attention, but if an extrovert can’t learn a bit about those around him by quietly listening to them, those around him will hardly feel close to him. Listening to others makes people want to be around you, and wanting to be around each other is the essence of feeling connected. - They ask questions.
Socially connected people get that, fundamentally, all social interaction is about demonstrating interest in one another. If you don’t act like you’re interested in those around you, you’ll come across as aloof, cold, possibly even rude.The easiest way to demonstrate interest in others is to ask them questions. The most socially successful people ask factual questions (“What do you do for work?”) but they also ask questions that are more subjective (“How do you like what you do for work?”). These two types of questions used in conjunction accelerates feelings of connectedness. - They see past differences.
As you learn more about those around you through listening and asking questions, it’s inevitable that you’ll notice some differences between you and them. Be it politics, religion, or lifestyle choices, differences will arise.Socially connected people realize that nobody will be and act and look exactly like them, so they make an effort to not let differences stand in the way of closeness. They understand that fundamentally we’re all human, and we can all naturally relate to one another. - They don’t worry about rejection.
It’s perfectly natural to fear rejection when entering a new social group or meeting a new person you really like. The leap that socially connected people make is that while they likely feel this fear, they don’t worry about it.In other words, they don’t dwell in the fear and allow it to turn into an unproductive rumination on everything that could go wrong. Instead, they identify the people they want to be close to and march bravely into that relationship despite any fears that may arise.
These seven habits of socially connected people are straightforward and easy to get started on right away. Pick the one you think would have the biggest impact on your social life and give it a try!
- Kira Asatryan
- Kira Asatryan
Saturday, April 9, 2016
How to Boost Your ‘Happy Hormones’
After experiencing depression while training to become a physician, I developed an interest in happiness and have studied, and taught, ways to create positivity and joy.
A study published in Psychological Science in 2008 found that certain inherited genes seem to account for 50 percent of our happiness. But even if your natural tendency is to be more down than up, you can make choices that will help you experience a brighter, happier life.
Hormones and neurotransmitters moderate our feelings of well-being, and lifestyle factors affect them. Here are five of the main hormones and neurotransmitters, plus ways to boost them. However, if you feel consistently unhappy, see your doctor.
1. Dopamine
This neurotransmitter drives your brain’s reward system. If you are praised at work for doing a good job, you’ll get a delicious dopamine hit’resulting in feelings of well-being. It also drives pleasure-seeking behaviour. Boost it by setting realistic goals (e.g., tidying your desk or sticking to your workout schedule) and achieving them. And seek out pleasurable healthy activities that have a positive impact on your life.
2. Serotonin
This mood-boosting neurotransmitter was made famous by SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressants, which increase the brain’s serotonin levels. The most effective and natural way to boost serotonin is by exercising daily; that’s one reason a brisk walk does wonders for your mood.
3. Oxytocin
Both a neurotransmitter and a hormone, oxytocin is often called ‘the love hormone.’ Researchers from Claremont University in California have done extensive research on its impact on women, linking oxytocin release to life satisfaction levels. It may play a greater role in women’s physiology and happiness compared to men’s. Spending time with loved ones and being kind to others stimulates oxytocin. Don’t you feel good just reading that? Stress blocks the release of oxytocin, so manage your stress, too.
4. Estrogen
It helps form serotonin and protects you from irritability and anxiety, keeping your mood steady. Estrogen decreases with menopause, and lifestyle factors such as smoking and extreme exercise can also lower it. The estrogen/progesterone imbalance in perimenopause can also negatively affect mood. Stress management can balance them, since stress hormones, such as cortisol, interfere with the secretion, action and function of the two hormones.
5. Progesterone
This helps you to sleep well and prevents anxiety, irritability and mood swings. Levels drop as women enter perimenopause after age 35 or 40, and this can be accelerated by excess stress and unhealthy foods. Experts such as Dr. Sara Gottfried, author of The Hormone Cure, saytaking care of yourself and eating right is your first defence for balancing hormones before trying hormone replacement therapy, including bioidentical progesterone and estrogen. Talk to your doctor to learn more.
Natural Ways to Boost Your Happy Hormones
‘ Listening to music is a fabulous way to get a hit of dopamine: In a 2011 study published inNature Neuroscience, McGill University researchers reported that listening to music you love (especially if it gives you ‘chills’) creates a boost in feel-good dopamine.
‘ Carbohydrates increase serotonin levels, which partly explains why we crave sweet, starchy foods when we are feeling down. For the best mood boost with the least negative impact, choose healthy, high-fibre sources of carbs such as dense whole-grain bread or quinoa.
‘ Get a boost of oxytocin by doing pleasurable things such as spending time cuddling with your partner, your kids or your pet.
‘ Increase estrogen with stress-relieving activities such as yoga, meditation, taking a hot bath’or whatever works for you.
‘ Keep progesterone levels at optimum levels by eating well and avoiding saturated fat and sugar, getting regular physicals and avoiding stress.
This article was originally titled “The chemistry of happiness” in the October 2014 issue of Best Health.
Friday, April 8, 2016
Because I'm a Man..
Because I'm a man, when I lock my keys in the car I will fiddle with a
wire long after hypothermia has set in. The AAA is not an option. I will win.
Because I'm a man, when the car isn't running very well, I will pop
the hood and stare at the engine as if I know what I'm looking at. If another man
shows up, one of us will say to the other, "I used to be able to fix these things,
but now with all these computers and everything, I wouldn't, know where to start."
We will then drink beer and break wind as a form of holy communion.
Because I'm a man, when I catch a cold, I need someone to bring me
soup and take care of me while I lie in bed and moan. You're a woman. You never get
as sick as I do, so for you this isn't a problem.
Because I'm a man, I can be relied upon to purchase basic groceries at
the store, like milk or bread. I cannot be expected to find exotic items like
"cumin" or "tofu." For all I know, these are the same thing. And never, under any
circumstances, expect me to pick up anything for which "feminine hygiene product" is
a euphemism. (For your information guys, cumin is a spice and not a bodily function.
Because I'm a man, when one of our appliances stops working, I will
insist on taking it apart, despite evidence that this will just cost me twice as much,
once the repair person gets here and has to put it back together.
__________________________________________ ______
Because I'm a man, I must hold the television ion remote control in my
hand while I watch TV. If the thing has been misplaced, I may miss a whole show
looking for it (though one time I was able to survive by holding a
calculator).....applies to engineers mainly.
Because I'm a man, there is no need to ask me what I'm thinking about.
The answer is always either sex, trucks, or football. I have to make up something
else when you ask, so don't ask.
Because I'm a man, I do not want to visit your mother,
or have your mother come visit us,
or talk to her when she calls, or think about her any more than I have to.
Whatever you got her for Mother's Day is okay; I don't need to see it.
And don't forget to pick up something for my mother, too.
_________________________________________ ______
Because I'm a man, you don't have to ask me if I liked the movie.
Chances are, if you're crying at the end of it, I didn't....
and if you are feeling amorous afterwards,
then I will certainly remember the name and recommend it to others.
______________ _________________________________
Because I'm a man, I think what you're wearing is fine. I thought what
you were wearing five minutes ago was fine, too. Either pair of shoes is fine.
With the belt or without it, looks fine. Your hair is fine. You look fine.
Can we just go now?
Because I'm a man, and this is, after all, the year 2004, I will share
equally in the housework. You just do the laundry, the cooking, the cleaning, the
vacuuming, and the dishes, and I'll do the wandering around in the
garden with a beer wondering what to do.
This has been a public service message for Women to better understand the Male
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
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