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Monday, April 30, 2018

Google AdSense: What are good ways to increase the traffic on your website or blog?

Google AdSense: What are good ways to increase the traffic on your website or blog?

Everyone wants to create viral content, but most people fail. That’s because they don’t pay attention to the sites that successfully create viral posts, day in and day out. If they did, they would learn three secrets of viral content creation to increase blog traffic.
The first secret, which isn’t really a secret, is to write great headlines8 out of 10 people will click to read your content if you get the headline right.
This isn’t a new concept. In fact, it’s really old (like 1927-old).

Check out this ad from the roaring 20s.

What happened? WHAT happened when he started to play?
It’s the perfect example of grabbing the reader’s attention with a little bit of storytelling. It connects with the audience — they’ve been there. They know what it’s like to be teased. They feel for the guy.
Then he starts to play and amazes the crowd. And now the reader is hooked to find out how he got so good and how they can learn just like him.
And the best part? The ad is for a free book! It’s a 1927 lead magnet.
Now, these people are more than willing to hand over their information to get the freebie and learn how to play.
This and other types of clickbait, if they are done right, play with all of your emotions: fear, greed, envy, lust.
Want to take the headlines one step further?
One study found that headlines perform the best when they are polarizing. These divide opinion. You either love it or hate it. And nothing in between.
I know, I know. “Clickbait” is a bit of a dirty word. We are living in the time of “fake news.” No one wants to be swindled or tricked into clicking on something that ends up being snake oil.
But a good headline that draws readers in and encourage them to click through should be followed up by quality, truthful content. The headline may have baited you, sure. However, the product and the copy backed it up.

Via :

Saturday, April 28, 2018

From Thailand.. With Love

From Thailand.. With Love

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

20 Things No Gentleman should ever do !

20 Things No Gentleman should ever do !

“A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out” – Theodore Roosevelt

1. Wear something ‘ironically’
Geek glasses, Hawaiian shirts, 80’s retro sportswear, you name it – a gentleman wouldn’t be seen dead in something purely for the sake of ‘irony’, leave this look to the likes of pop-up-store-come-vintage-clothing-come-speakeasy-bar-owners.

2. Get any part of you body pierced
Do what you like in your teenage, ungentlemanly years, but beyond these rebellious times and into the years of being a gentleman, remove all trace of past rebellions and never, we repeat never, pierce a body part.

3. Take up a seat while a less stable person suffers
This is more common manners than anything else, but a gentleman would never sit (on a tube or otherwise) whilst a woman, less-able or elderly person stands.

4. Break your word
A boy speaks, a gentleman acts on his word and stays true to it.

5. Lie
A real gentleman stays loyal, faithful and honest at all times.

6. Spend far too much time in front of the mirror
Vanity is deeply ungentlemanly.

7. Easily forget his roots
No matter how much a gentleman earns, or how much success he has garnered, a real gentleman will stay humble to his past.

8. Kiss and tell
Because a gentleman never tells.

9. Have one too many at a wedding, especially your own
Someone once told me that there is nothing tackier than a drunk bride, but in retrospect this applies as much to gentlemen as it does to brides to be. A gentleman knows his limits.

10. Be too proud to apologise
A true gentleman will apologise after a fight, even if he wasn’t in the wrong.

11. Urinate in public
Unless you’re an 18 year-old having his first beer, there is simply no excuse.

12. Drive recklessly with a woman or child in the car
You are not clever or rebellious. You are dangerous, and not in the cool, ‘rebel without a cause’ way.

13. Get a visible tattoo when you’re far too old to do so
Similar to number 2, it’s best to avoid this one too. If you did get drunk on a beach in Thailand and get your name in Arabic branded across your back, then consider keeping it covered up.

14. Sit cross legged
Unless you’re doing yoga, which is OK by the way, try and avoiding sitting like a child. There is just something strange about seeing a grown man sitting like a schoolboy.

15. Referring to yourself in the third person
Annoying doesn’t even begin to describe how unbecoming this is.

16. Drunk dial
Not classy, just embarrassing. A gentleman does not need to be inebriated to communicate.

17. Cancel at the last minute
A real gentleman makes plans and sticks to them, no matter what.

18. Swear in public
A gentleman would never let his mood dictate his manners.

19. Believe in luck, or chance
A gentleman knows the power of cause and effect.

20. Patronise
Your age does not define your maturity.

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