Smoking INJURES your Health
No-Smoking INSURES your health
Smoking BATTERS your Health
No-Smoking BETTERS your health
Smoking ENDURES poor Health
No-Smoking ENSURES good health
Smoking TORTURE your Health
No-Smoking NURTURE your health
Smoking PACK-UP your Health
No-Smoking BACK-UP your health
Smoking MEDDLE your Health
No-Smoking METTLE your health
Smoking SHOOT your Health
No-Smoking SOOTHE your health
Smoking SLICE your Health
No-Smoking SPLICE your health
Smoking BEND your Health
No-Smoking MEND your health
Smoking BEND your Health
No-Smoking TEND your health
Smoking END your Health
No-Smoking M END your health
Smoking SCARES your Health
No-Smoking CARES your health
Smoking DE-LIGHT your Health
No-Smoking DELIGHT your health
Smoking UPSET your Health
No-Smoking SET-UP your health
Smoking FAIL your Health
No-Smoking BAIL your health
Smoking TEAR your Health
No-Smoking STEER your health
Smoking STALL your Health
No-Smoking INSTALL your health
Smoking DEFORM your Health
No-Smoking REFORM your health
Smoking EXCEL your Health
No-Smoking EXPEL your health
Smoking IMPAIRS your Health
No-Smoking IMPROVES your health
Smoking bring a CLOWN image
No-Smoking bring a CLEAN image
- Arsenic kills if you swallow it; tobacco kills if you smoke it.
- Be Cool - Don't Be a Smoking Fool.
- Be smart don't start.
- Breathe healthily, live happily.
- Cancer cures smoking.
- Chicks really dig pre-cancerous lungs.
- Cigarettes burn holes in your pocket.
- Cough twice for Philip Morris.
- Did you know your mouth is on fire?
- Don't be a butthead. Smoking kills.
- Don't be a Kool Fool.
- Don't puff your life away.
- Don't smoke you will choke!
- Don't smoke - there are cooler ways to die.
- Everyone has a right to clean air.
- Hang Tough, Don't Puff!
- Health is wealth.
- How the Tobacco Industry Killed American Soldiers
- I like smoking. It kills off a lot of stupid people.
- I quit because my kids love me.
- I would give up smoking but I’m not a quitter.
- If God had wanted us to smoke, he would have given us a separate hole for it.
- If we see smoke, we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action.
- If you can’t stop smoking, cancer will.
- If you don’t smoke, I won’t fart!
- If you smoke, you're a joke.
- If you think smoking is cool, you're a fool.
- Is smoking good for business? Not if you want long-term customers.
- Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.
- Live it or Burn it...
- Make your choices, it's your life.
- No smoke no life, but No life with smoke.
- Please keep smoking. Our planet is overcrowded.
- Put it out before it puts you out.
- Put your money where your butt is.
- Quit smoking. It kills!
- Quit smoking before smoking quits you.
- Save a fortune on Botox - quit smoking now!
- Save Money - Quit Smoking!
- Save your lungs, save your life.
- Share clean air.
- Smoke away your worries, not your lungs.
- Smoke can cause a slow and painful death.
- Smoke. Stink. Die.
- Smokers are Jokers - Don't Smoke.
- Smokers don’t get to smoke, they have to smoke.
- Smoking - Suicide for Cowards.
- Smoking cigarettes is so yesterday.
- Smoking is a stupid habit for really stupid people.
- Smoking is bad for your sex life.
- Smoking is like paying someone to kill you. They’re rich; you’re dead.
- Smoking is very glamorous, if you like deep wrinkles.
- Smoking kills.
- Smoking makes no cents.
- Smoking makes you ugly.
- Smoking Stinks!
- Smoking? You must be joking...
- Stop smoking, or you will be croaking.
- STOP...and take a step in the right direction!
- QUIT NOW...Your life depends on it.
- THINK... about it.
- Tar the roads, not your lungs.
- Thank you for not smoking.
- The Cigarette is dead.
- The Marlboro Man Died of Lung Cancer.
- There are cooler ways to die than smoking.
- Tobacco companies kill their best customers.
- Too much smoke will leave you broke.
- Trash the Ash.
- Weapons of mass destruction.
- When you smoke, everyone can smell you coming.
- When you smoke, you are not cool. In the end, however, you are extinct.
- Who’s going to retire on your hard-earned dollars… you or some tobacco company executive?
- Winston Tastes Good, Like a Carcinogen Should.
- You don't want to smell my butt, don't make me smell yours
- You smoke, you die early, you save the government money.
- You take my breath away.
- You're a fool if you think smoking is cool.
- Your freedom ends where my nose begins.
- Your Money Going Up in Smoke