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Showing posts with label useful tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label useful tips. Show all posts
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
40 GREAT RADIO PROMOTIONS - Useful Professional Tips
Radio is nothing without promotions. If you want drive revenue, create buzz and increase awareness, you simply can’t go past contests, promos and stunts.
The best thing about promotions is that a cleverly thought out idea doesn’t necessarily have to cost much, so it’s a perfect way for small stations on a budget to make a splash amongst its listeners, solidifying its brand identity.
The key to an effective radio promotion it to strike the balance between catering to your listeners interest and the people taking part in the promotion, it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of your contestants, but always ask yourself ‘does this make good radio? How is this coming across to our listeners?
Great promotions experience a life far beyond just one station. Other stations in countries all over the world will pick up and adapt an idea to suit, some promotions have even been taken across to other media like television and used effectively.
Australasian radio has always been at the top of the game in innovative, exciting radio promotion. The following is a list of 40 of the best, internationally renowned promos to come out of the Antipodes for FM radio.
- The Birthday Wheel. Sweet and simple, this easy to run promo consists of drawing a birthdate and inviting any listener with the matching birthdate to call in, the first one in wins the nominated prize. This is great as a daily contest and can be easily changed to fit any set of criteria required.
- Who’s the Voice? Use your editing software to mash two singers voices or songs together and get your listeners to guess who they are for a cash prize.
- A risky promo from BP&R, this consisted of a toss of the coin deciding on great gain or true loss, ie: winning a new car or having your current one crushed. This made truly gripping radio but could be equally as effective scaled back a bit.
- Live in it to win it. Entrants had to stay in the car as long as possible; the last one left won the car. Similar to contests where contestants have to keep their hand on the car or kiss the car.
- Millionaire in Mexico. One lucky listener scored a million pesos and a free trip to Mexico.
- Pot of Shite. A talent show for the talentless. Listeners loved hearing people make idiots of themselves in this Gong Show style segment, the worse they were the better.
- 48 parties in 48 hours. The presenters had to attend 48 parties over the space of one weekend and periodically report on how they were managing.
- Moral Dilemma. Listeners ring in with their hairiest moral dilemmas and invite other listeners to weigh in with their opinions.
- House from Hell. This iconic promo was the genesis for the Big Brother reality series. Selected listeners had to successfully live together in a house for a set period.
- Bugg’d. Environmental audio would be given from a location where the bug was located. The first person to find it won the substantial cash prize.
- Cunning Stunts. Crazy stunts performed each day, big and outrageous, dancing close to the legality line.
- Bunch of Fives. In the morning a line-up of five songs is announced. When listeners hear those five songs in a row they ring in to win a cash prize.
- Tall Ship Adventure. A famous Hamish and Andy promo to mark the launch of their show in Tasmania by sailing to Hobart.
- Renovate your life. A classic competition where the winner could win a car, renovate the house or get a first class round the world flight ticket.
- Rock Words. An on air crossword where the clues were given musically.
- Battle of the Sexes. Men VS women in this fun game where each group were given questions about the opposite sex.
- The Fugitive. A cryptic hunt for a person with a large cash prize, the winner is the first to crack the clues and locate the person.
- Wedding Unplanners. The anti-wedding nightmare, this promo eroded the contestants dream wedding day by day. Hilarious and original.
- Shoot the celebrity in the arse. A distinctly Aussie flavoured event where listeners could visit and literally shoot a famous person in the bum.
- The triple that plays. Hear a specific three song combo and ring in to win cash.
- Billboard of Cash. A lucrative contest where the entrant simply has to guess the dollar amount on the billboard in order to win it.
- Beat the Bomb. Stop the bomb before it randomly blows, but time it right as the dollar prize value increases as the bomb ticks.
- Not as racy as it sounds, the aim is to guess the sex of the next phone caller, get three in a row correct and win a cash prize.
- Two strangers and a wedding. This very famous and highly criticised promo had two complete strangers marry a first sight. The strangers were picked by listeners who followed them through the whole saga.
- Wrong Words. Remixing and recording popular songs as completely different genres or even poetry.
- Million Dollar Head in the Sand. A day promo where listeners had to dig on the beach for a million dollar prize.
- Gotcha Calls. A prank phone call segment which was famously cancelled after the tragic outcome of a gotcha prank at the King Edward VII hospital in 2012.
- The Lie Detector. Another promo that came to an abrupt end after a serious incident, this segment consisted of contestants being hooked up to a lie detector and being asked a series of personal questions.
- The Last Contest. An ultimate prize draw of amazing, not to be repeated extravagant prizes which created a huge amount of buzz.
- Cash Call. An oldie but a goody. So successful it has now been used by TV morning shows.
- Love Online. Started in the 90’s this was a promo run on the online dating model.
- Pay Your Bills. A lucky listener gets their utility bills paid off.
- The Celebrity Party. The station hosted an exclusive event with lots of celebrities; listeners could only attend by winning a ticket to the party.
- Fifteen seconds of fame. The listener gets to showcase their talent for a brief period.
- Caravan of Courage. A Hamish and Andy classic, a yearly road trip full of activity and fun for the listener to follow along with.
- Radio Gladiators. Entrants could call in and talk about the days chosen topic, the caller with the best speech took home the prize.
- Pop Quiz. Answer 10 questions about pop culture correctly in under a minute to win.
- The Ultimate Ear Test. A very short audio snippet is played and if the caller can correctly pinpoint the original sound, then they win the prize.
- The Million Dollar Cash Drop. Entrants made an exhilarating skydive onto a ground grid with the chance that their square contained the million dollar prize.
- The $100,000 Wheelie Bin of Fortune. A wheelie bin filled with money was up for grabs, as long as the listener could guess what piece of junk was under the cash with just a few clues.
This is just of the few memorable, original or controversial promotions hosted on the air in Australasia in recent history. We are looking forward to seeing more innovative programming in the years to come.
Credit: Brad @ Radio Today
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
15 Compliments You Can Give Someone You Love
1. You inspire me to be a better person.
2. You’re the kind of person who could make even Kanye smile.
3. You give me the kind of advice I always need to hear (even if I don’t want to hear it). Thank you for that.
4. You’re the only person I want to come back to when it feels like the rest of the world has become too much.
5. You’ve shown me how to be kinder person.
6. You’re my favorite person to talk to. I never get tired of hearing your voice, your stories. I always want more.
7. The way you live your life challenges me and has helped me grow.
8. You’re really good at all the things you do. And even the things you think you don’t do so well, I like how you do it anyway, without caring what anyone thinks.
9. If you died or something happened to you, I would delete your browser history for you.
10. You’re really fun to be around. Even when we aren’t doing anything at all just being around you makes me feel content.
11. I think you’d make a really great parent someday.
12. Your existence has made my life infinitely better since knowing you.
13. I love how precious and child-like you can be sometimes. You make me feel young again.
14. You’ve shown me what unconditional love feels like. Thank you for letting me experience what it feels like to find safety in another person.
15. You’re accomplishing so much. Every day you are growing and evolving into a better, stronger version of who you were yesterday. You have already done so much in the time that I’ve known you. Your passion for life has encouraged me to dream bigger, love harder, and find beauty everywhere.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Top 39 ! - 39 Useful ways to close your emails
Tired of closing your emails with “Thanks” or “Sincerely”? Want to keep your email sign-offs informal, yet polite? Or maybe you want to inject a little personality into your emails.
I once received an email from an outside contractor that ended with, “I stand ever ready to assist you.” Nice sentiment, but odd given our working relationship.
The email sign-off—more formally called a valediction—can be tricky. It should be consistent the overall tone of your email and reflect your relationship with the recipient. Choose your closing words carefully.
Here are 39 phrases to try:
1. All the bestPR Daily readers, what are some of your favorite email sign-offs?
2. Anonymously
3. Be well, do good deeds, and keep in touch
4. Best wishes
5. Cheers
6. Confusion to your enemies
7. Copyright 2017
8. Cordially
9. Enjoy your weekend
10. Fare thee well
11. Goodbye and good luck
12. Good job
13. Good luck
14. Have a good one
15. Have a great day
16. Hope this helps
17. In anticipation of your valued response
18. In my humble but accurate opinion
19. I thank you for your time
20. Keep up the good work
21. Later, Vader
22. Live long and prosper
23. Looking forward to your reply
24. Regards
25. Stay tuned
26. Tag. You’re it
27. Take care
28. Thanks for your help
29. Thank you for your quick response
30. The end
31. This message will self-destruct
32. Until next time
33. Very truly yours
34. Vive la revolution!
35. Wishing you continued success
36. With appreciation
37. With many thanks
38. You don’t need to see my credentials
39. Your friend
Laura Hale Brockway is an Austin-based writer and editor and a regular contributor to PR Daily. Read more of her work at impertinentremarks.com.
Saturday, October 1, 2016
9 steps can help you detect a lie...
Do you know how to tell if someone is lying to you? These 9 steps can help you detect a lie...watch the video for a more detailed explanation of each step.
Step 1: Watch their hands
Step 2: Follow their eyes
Step 3: Note their words
Step 4: Check their smile
Step 5: Note their posture
Step 6: Pause before responding
Step 7: Note the details
Step 8: Change the subject
Step 9: Teach your liar a lesson
Have you ever caught someone in a lie? How did you know they were lying? How did you react?
Step 1: Watch their hands
Step 2: Follow their eyes
Step 3: Note their words
Step 4: Check their smile
Step 5: Note their posture
Step 6: Pause before responding
Step 7: Note the details
Step 8: Change the subject
Step 9: Teach your liar a lesson
Have you ever caught someone in a lie? How did you know they were lying? How did you react?
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
45 Ultimate Tips For Men
- Buy high quality tools, so you only have to buy them once.
- Keep a change of clothes at work.
- Never hit anyone unless they are an immediate threat.
- Every hat should serve a purpose.
- Never take her to the movies on the first date.
- Learn to wet shave.
- Nothing looks more bad ass than a well-tailored suit.
- Shave with the grain on the first go-around.
- Always look a person in the eye when you talk to them.
- Buy a plunger before you need a plunger.
- Exercise makes you happy. Run, lift, and play sports.
- Brush your teeth before you put on your tie.
- A small amount of your paycheck should go directly to your savings account every month.
- Call Mom and Dad every week.
- Never wear a clip-on tie.
- Give a firm handshake.
- Compliment her shoes.
- Never leave a beer unfinished.
- If you aren’t confident, fake it. It will come around.
- You can tell the size of a man by the size of things that bother him.
- Be conscious of your body language.
- The only reason to ever point a gun at someone is if you intend to shoot them. Period.
- Always stand to shake someone’s hand.
- Never lend anything you can’t afford to lose.
- Ask more than you answer. Everybody likes to talk about themselves.
- Never have sex with anyone that doesn’t want it as much as you.
- Go for women out of your league. You may end up surprised.
- Manliness is not only being able to take care of yourself, but others as well.
- Go with the decision that will make for a good story.
- When you walk, look straight ahead, not at your feet.
- Nice guys don’t finish last, boring guys do.
- Find your passion and figure out how to get paid for it.
- Don’t let the little head do the thinking for the big head.
- No matter their job or status, everyone deserves your respect.
- The most important thing you can learn is personal responsibility. Bad things happen, it’s your job to overcome them.
- The first one to get angry loses.
- A man does what needs to be done without complaining.
- Never stop learning.
- Always go out into public dressed like you’re about to meet the love of your life.
- Don’t change yourself just to make someone happy.
- If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.
- Luck favors the prepared.
- Women find confidence sexy as hell.
- Do whatever you want to do, but be the best at it.
- No one is on their deathbed wishing they spent more time at work.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Most Useful Life Hacks
- If your cab driver asks if you're from around here, say yes. They hike up the price, and take routes that are out of the way, for out-of-towners.
- Throw your shirt in the dryer for 15 minutes with a few ice cubes to get rid of wrinkles.
- Chew the same flavor of gum while you are studying, and while you're being tested to aid your memory.
- Use a Ketchup bottle as a batter dispenser next time you make pancakes. Not only can you control the size better, it's also an easy cleanup.
- If you bought something on Amazon, and the price is reduced within 30 days, email them and they will credit you the difference!
- Rubbing a lime on your forehead will cure your headache (...or it will help, at least.)
- Before your next trip to the zoo, look up the color of the zoo keepers uniforms. The animals are more familiar with these people and will be much friendlier to you.
- Embarrassed about buying something? Buy a birthday card with it.
- A trip to Walmart is an instant self esteem boost.
- Plug what ingredients you have in your house into www.SuperCook.com and they will give you a list a recipes you can make with them.
- If a gas pump handle is broken, place your gas cap in the handle for hands free pumping.
- A handicapped parking spot needs a sign to be valid. If it just has a wheelchair painted on the ground.
- Use a garbage bag in place of a garment bag to move clothing on the hanger.
- Running low on battery? Put your phone on Airplane mode and it will charge up faster.
- Wrap a rubber band around a paint can to get the excess paint off the brush.
- Fold your receipt around the gift card to always know the balance.
- You can separate egg yolks from egg whites with a water bottle.
- To download a YouTube video, just add 'ss' to the URL between www. and YouTube.
- Use a spring from an old pen to keep your charger from bending and fraying.
- Having a hard time opening that jar lid? Use duct tape and pull to the left.
- If a disk is skipping, rub a peeled banana over it to seal the scratches.
- Include an embarrassing detail in a lie you're trying to tell. No one would doubt something that makes you look silly.
- If you are ever trapped in your car underwater, use the headrest to break the wind shield.
- Slowly tilt your head from side to side to rid yourself of car sickness.
- The length of a yellow light is 10% of the speed limit, AKA, if the limit is 40 MPH, you have 4 seconds once the green light turns yellow.
- Use chapstick on paper cuts (after you clean it).
- When ordering ice coffee, order your ice in a separate cup. You'll get more coffee for your dollar.
- If you say the wrong thing on a voicemail, press the # button to erase it and re-record your message.
- Save the envelopes from your parking tickets. Next time you're in a non-parking zone slip the envelope under your wiper. This one isn't 100% fool proof, but it might discourage them from checking your plate!
- Flip a coin next time you have to make a hard decision. It won't tell you what to choose, but it will tell you if you're disappointed in the outcome, revealing what you really want.
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