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Monday, December 12, 2016

Mulla and KIng's singing horse

Nasrudin was caught in the act and sentenced to die. 
Hauled up before the king, he was asked by the Royal Presence: "Is there any reason at all why I shouldn't have your head off right now?" 
To which he replied: "Oh, King, live forever! Know that I, the Mullah Nasrudin, am the greatest teacher in your kingdom, and it would surely be a waste to kill such a great teacher. So skilled am I that I could even teach your favorite horse to sing, given a year to work on it." 

The king was amused, and said: "Very well then, you move into the stable immediately, and if the horse isn't singing a year from now, we'll think of something interesting to do with you."

As he was returning to his cell to pick up his spare rags, his cellmate remonstrated with him: "Now that was really stupid. You know you can't teach that horse to sing, no matter how long you try." 

Nasrudin's response: "Not at all. I have a year now that I didn't have before. And a lot of things can happen in a year. The king might die. The horse might die. I might die."
"And, who knows? Maybe the horse will sing."

Friday, December 9, 2016

Vijay Mallya - The Controversial Indian Billionaire's Twitter is Hacked !!!

Vijay Mallya - The Controversial Indian Billionaire's Twitter is Hacked !!!

A Hackers Group called Legion has hacked into Mallya's twitter account and tweeting from his account, exposing all his email passwords, investment details and other asserts details.

Vijay Mallys has accepted the Hack attack and asked his followers to stay calm until he fixes this issue.

My account has been hacked by some one called Legion who are Tweeting now in my name. Simply ignore. Will fix this .

Outfit called Legion has hacked my e-mail accounts and are blackmailing me !! What a joke.

But Legion has given a strong reply in their series of next tweets from his own Twitter

Legion will release a list of all documents pertaining to mallya over the course of few days.

Legion will find you, hack you, expose you. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO FUCK WITH US?

Support legion. We will bring you the info needed to bring these criminals to justice!

Following are some of the screen shots of Legion's hacked tweets from Vijay Mallya's Twitter

82 Key Points to lead a satisfactory and successful life

  1. Respect people. Not because you want something from them– because they’re people.
  2. Take care of your body. It’s a temple– but don’t make it your idol.
  3. Social media is NOT for airing out your dirty laundry.
  4. Learn to fact-check, especially what you see online.
  5. Learn to listen well, especially when you’re angry.
  6. Make friends with people who are different than you.
  7. Travel as much and as often as you can–especially internationally. Experience new often
  8. Never invalidate someone else’s feelings.
  9. Don’t be ashamed of your emotions.
  10. Relationships are at the core of being human. Invest in them.
  11. Read often. Read fiction and nonfiction. Read authors that you disagree with.
  12. Learn to form an argument– not for the sake of arguing, but to know why you believe what you believe.
  13. Always argue fairly.
  14. Seek to understand first. Everyone has reasons behind their beliefs.
  15. Stay away from angry arguments on social media. No one wins.
  16. You don’t necessarily have to go to college. Find a passion and decide what fits it best.
  17. Find a job that means something to you– not just a job that pays well.
  18. Be an artist in whatever profession you choose.
  19. Look ahead and set goals. Write them down.
  20. Challenge yourself. Leave your comfort zone. Do better next time.
  21. Perfection is impossible. Excellence is not.
  22. Some subjects in school won’t be relevant to your life. However, your grades and the ability to work hard at something you may not care about, will be.
  23. Family comes first.
  24. Don’t you dare objectify women.
  25. Don’t stereotype people.
  26. When you find love, say it. Show it. Hold on to it.
  27. Love for intellect, personality, and heart– not for appearance or other superficial traits.
  28. Find a life partner who compensates for your flaws and accepts you in spite of them.
  29. Don’t rush into marriage.
  30. Always tithe. God blesses those who give generously and happily.
  31. Accumulate experiences and savings, not things.
  32. Commit important things to memory. Don’t rely on Google or your phone for everything.
  33. It’s okay to be angry. Just find a healthy outlet for it.
  34. Use your voice to speak for those who don’t have one.
  35. Use your influence to help, never to control.
  36. Competition is good, but not at all costs.
  37. Whether you’re rich or poor, be classy.
  38. Learn how to talk on the phone. It’s an important skill.
  39. Learn the art of conversation. Be friendly. Ask questions.
  40. Have a good, solid handshake.
  41. Anonymous good deeds are the most rewarding.
  42. Think about how your decisions will affect others.
  43. Pray first. Pray often.
  44. Think your own thoughts. Be original. Be honest.
  45. When (not if) people hurt you, don’t let it harden your heart.
  46. Think about how younger people view you, and try to set a good example.
  47. Never settle, but don’t be so picky that you miss a great opportunity.
  48. Words are important. Actions are even more important.
  49. Pay attention to the people around you.
  50. Try new foods.
  51. Engage with art: movies, music, paintings, theatre, poetry. Think about it. Always look for the message.
  52. Make decisions with the future in mind, but don’t forget to enjoy the present too.
  53. Everything in moderation.
  54. Remember the people who help you.
  55. Give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove you wrong.
  56. Don’t hold grudges. You’re the one who suffers the most when you do.
  57. Ask for help when you need it.
  58. Find friends that you don’t have to impress.
  59. Don’t do things you’ll want to lie about later.
  60. Put your dang phone DOWN.
  61. Take pictures, but don’t live life from behind a screen.
  62. Follow the rules, but it’s okay to ask why they’re there.
  63. Be a good leader, and a good follower.
  64. Trust your gut. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
  65. Admit your mistakes.
  66. A lie of omission is still a lie.
  67. Repetition is the mother of all learning. (Brought to you by your grandfather, boys.)
  68. Maturity is the ability to do something you hate, well. (Also courtesy of your grandfather)
  69. You don’t have to agree with someone to love them.
  70. Respect your elders.
  71. Respect minorities. Listen to their stories.
  72. Spend time in nature. Let it inspire you.spend-time-in-nature-let-it-inspire-you
  73. Never stop asking questions. Never stop wondering.
  74. Go to church, even when you don’t feel like it. Especially when you don’t feel like it. No other institution can offer the hope that a good church does.
  75. Give others the spotlight.
  76. Complaining will never solve your problem.
  77. Do things you might fail at. Don’t let the fear of failure stop you.
  78. Learn from failure and try again.
  79. Learn when to keep your mouth shut, even if you’re right.
  80. Saying “I told you so” never helped anyone. Ever.
  81. Don’t sulk when you lose. Don’t gloat when you win.
  82. Have a family, however that looks to you. It’s scary and sometimes messy. But it’s also the greatest blessing anyone can have and the greatest investment anyone can make.
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