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Monday, February 13, 2017

36 Rules all Men Must Know

These are the 37 Rules all Men Must Know...

You don’t have to agree with these rules but these are all characteristics of a good man.

  1. Know what you want. Don’t go around asking for approval.
  2. Always love and respect your parents.
  3. Never cheat on your girlfriend/wife.
  4. On the bus always give up your seat to the elderly, pregnant women, and mothers with their kids.
  5. Don’t lend money to your family. Give it.
  6. Don’t put others down.
  7. Don’t participate in gossip.
  8. Exercise.
  9. At the gym wear nice clothes. You will interact with a lot of different kinds of professionals there and first impressions are everything.
  10. Don’t ever take selfies.
  11. In emails and texts don’t use short form.
  12. No matter how mad you may be at your family, keep it in the family.
  13. Don’t brag.
  14. Listen. Girls like to talk about themselves.
  15. Never use the term: “Shit happens.” Put in more efforts into comforting that person.
  16. If talking to someone you don’t want to, make a polite excuse and leave.
  17. Never talk religion with anyone. Keep it to yourself.
  18. Don’t follow others.
  19. Don’t waste your life away being on your phone and computer all the time.
  20. When making plans, call. Don’t text.
  21. Know how to fix things around the house.
  22. Don’t be intimidated by anyone.
  23. Know how to fight.
  24. Have hobbies.
  25. Don’t be afraid to go and watch a movie alone.
  26. Learn to be patient and relaxed.
  27. Never stop learning new skills.
  28. Read books and keep the mind fresh.
  29. Read the newspaper.
  30. You don’t need a reason to buy your mom flowers.
  31. Never split the check. Always pay it.
  32. Play chess at least twice a week. Keeps the mind super fresh.
  33. Own a pair of expensive sunglasses, gloves and nice scarf.
  34. Own at least two nice watches.
  35. Use a money clip. Not a wallet.
  36. Don’t buy things you can’t afford.

New Nighty - Joke

The wife bought a new see through nighty, wore it without any underclothes and came swinging before the husband. Aroused Husband says, "You look so beautiful and sexy my darling." The wife says, "I know that, I tried it the same way at the store and the salesman was the first one to tell me that."

Friday, February 10, 2017

Old Couple and SEX - Joke

An older couple, who were both widowed, had been going out with each other for a long time. Urged on by their friends, they decided it was finally time to get married. Before the wedding, they went out to dinner and had a long conversation regarding how their marriage might work. They discussed finances, living arrangements, and so on. Finally, the old gentleman decided it was time to broach the subject of their physical relationship. "How do you feel about s*x?" he asked, rather tentatively. "I would like it infrequently ", she replied. The old gentleman sat quietly for a moment, adjusted his glasses, then leaned over towards her and whispered, "Is that one word or two?"
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