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Thursday, August 2, 2018

This is Japanese Golf - Hilarious Joke

They are going to play golf at the business meeting. 
The guy flies out there a day early. He's got all day in Japan so he decides he wants to get himself a geisha. 

He goes to a house of ill repute and finds what he's looking for. He takes her in back and starts doing his thing. 

The girl starts going crazy. She starts yelling, "Machigatta ana! Machigatta ana!" 
He thinks, "This girl is loving this." 

Next day in the golf course he hits a hole in one. He doesn't know any Japanese so he yells, "Machigatta ana!" 
The Japanese guys ask him, "What do you mean wrong hole?"

Monday, July 30, 2018

BUMP…BUMP…BUMP - The Scariest Story Ever !!!

This guy’s walking home from work, really late, in the pitch black of night. 

There isn’t another soul on the street. Suddenly, from out of the gloom, comes an ominous bump…bump…bump. 
He looks behind him and spots a furtive, shadowy thing coming down the street after him. Unnerved, he picks up his pace, finally breaking into a panicked run.

He looks behind him again, and the shadow is closer. Bump…bump…bump. The glow of a streetlight illuminates the shadow momentarily, and, to the man’s horror, it is a coffin, bumping down the sidewalk. He quickens his pace, running as fast as he can go, but the coffin only pursues more quickly. BUMP…BUMP…BUMP!

He reaches his house, fumbles frantically for his keys, and slips in the door just as the coffin reaches his front steps. He slams the door and leans against it, catching his breath. Bump…bump…bump. There is a moment’s silence, and the man wonders if he dares to breathe.

Suddenly…. Bump…bump…bump…Bump…BUMP! BUMP! 

He rebounds away as the door breaks off its hinges. Scrambling to his feet, he charges up the stairs, and the coffin races after. 


Terrified, he backs into a corner and starts throwing everything within reach at the coffin — a handful of papers, a vase, a box of crackers, a lamp — but the coffin keeps coming!

BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP INCHESFROMHISFACE, and nothing seems to slow it down! His hands fall upon a bottle of cough syrup, and he throws that at the coffin, too!

The coffin stops.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

This is all your fault!

"This is all your fault!" my wife moaned this morning. "Fucking hell, what have I done now?" I asked her. "Give me a chance to think," she said, "I've only just woke up.
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